Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Play Day with Coleman...

Last Saturday my friend Coleman came over to play. We swam, we played in the ball-pit, we fed the heat, and had a great time! Ms. Nicole & Ms. Amber also came by, as well as Desirae, Gigi, Pompy, Papa, and Grandma were all there. That night we pulled out the karyoke machine and sang a little Taylor Swift. Yall come back anytime!

That's a splash...

Coleman enjoying the pool alone...

It got a little crowded but they had fun!

Oh so yummy!

What a mess!!

What a ham, yes we see you.

Nicole and Coleman....

Guest appearance by Grandma Jackson...


Anonymous said...

Lucas looks SOOO precious --- because he is sooo precious. Who had a more enjoyable time; the kids w/ the pool and fudgesicles or the adults watching the babies? Good to see Grandma again; I like her. So cool that Lucas gets to have a "nip" of ice cream. It reminds me of Uncle Paul (tell Kenny) when he would slip a sucker into your's and Aaron's mouth. He truly believed you guys needed and wanted a sucker --- the sugar an' all. Shirley nor I minded, we thought it was neat. He loved to drop by and see you two; You were sometimes in a pool very similar to Lucas'.

Stephanie is here with us (in Chase's house) for this week; she is attending the prep classes for teacher cert. She says it's great and she enjoys it. She is doing a lot of reading as well as having baked a couple of cakes earlier today (Thursday). We ate out last night, mexican, and then dropped by the Lovin' Oven for dessert. (These places are located on the Square in Lancaster). We had a nice time.

Love, Aunt Patty

The Prestons said...

Looks like lots of Summer Fun for those babies!!