Saturday, March 28, 2009

Off to work I go...

Today mommy and I had to go to work at GiGi's office. Ms. Jackie had the day off so we filled in. I don't know what they were thinking I haven't been trained to do taxes, heck I can't even count yet! Luckily though my job was simply to coo, giggle, and smile at all the customers. The plan was to make them happy, to put them in a good mood, so when GiGi told them what they owed they wouldn't get mad. I must not have done a very good job cause all I earned was a Yankee dime. I can't take my girl Sadie out making that kind of money.

GiGi's office

Who's going to take me seriously if I'm not wearing any shoes?

Watch out Ms Debbie, don't let GiGi catch you taking five during tax season.

This tax stuff is hard work!!

My two month doctor visit...

On Monday the 23 of March, I had to go to the doctor for my two month visit. This was not a great experience at all. First I had to strip down in the cold to be weighed and measured. Then I had to make a diaper...ewe. And for the grand finale I had to have not one, not two, but three shots!! Plus one that they gave me orally, you know it didn't even taste good. The least they could have done was make it taste good. I was sure to let them know I was not happy about this and if I could talk they wouldn't like what I had to say. My poor mommy had to rock me and sing to me for about 20 minutes before I was calm enough to head home.

None the less, I'm feeling much better now, it took a day or so to fully recover. Everyone is glad I'm back to myself.

As for how big I'm getting...I now weigh 11.9 lbs and am 23 and a half inches long. They keep feeding me and I keep growing. You know what they say about boys, they have big appetites and I'm no exception.

This is me at 9 weeks, just before my doctor's appointment. Before long I won't fit in the back! For other pictures of me in my truck scroll down to the John Deere post or come back in a few weeks to see yet another.

To be or not to be...Luke or Lucas

I'm still uncertain as to what my name is...sometimes they call me Luke, sometimes they call me Lucas. I wish they'd make up their minds already! Here's the proof...

This is the awesome blanket that Ms. Denise got me.

Hippity Hoppity Easter's on it's way

Mommy wanted to make sure our Easter outfits fit then she had to take pictures to show them off. I'm told though that if I'm really good the Easter bunny will come see me. Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You might be a Redneck if....

You might be a Redneck if your idea of a good time is riding around the yard chasing cousins or your pooches on a lawn mower. This was my first ride on a lawn mower, it was pretty cool. Daddy went fast and I didn't even cry. Look out world here I come....I'll mow you over if you don't watch out.

A singing mouse named Chucky Cheese??

They said Chucky Cheese is supposed to be a fun place for kids but I don't know about that....I thought it was a snooze fest. Infact I didn't even bother waking up til the food came....I'm all about the food.

Told you, snooze fest.

Those two couldn't get enough of that jeep. Ethan said it does 'wheelies'.

Ethan and Desirae having a great time!!

Thanks alot mom, you just had to leave my undies in the picture.

Lights, camera, action....I'm a star!!

I don't think I like Chucky, yikes!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My first John Deere

Before I even arrived, my Pompy got me my first John Deere dump truck. I'm currently too little to play with it but sometimes I go for a ride in it. I don't plan on it staying clean for too long...once I'm mobile you'll find me in the dirt.

at two weeks

at one month

at seven weeks and none too happy about having to sit for this picture

My Portfolio

Well as you know I'm one good looking baby and my mommy felt that she had to capture this cuteness by having some professional pictures made. These are me at one month. Might I also mention that I was not happy about having this done. Who wants to strip down to their skivvies, in front of a stranger, in a cold room, and have their picture taken?? I made it known I wasn't happy and therefore we were there for a very long time trying to get this done. They ended up turning out really well and they really show off how handsome and sweet I am.

My first basket ball game...

The other day Pompy, GiGi, Mommy, and I went to see my Uncle Casey's basketball team play in a playoff game. We had to go to Sabine to watch them, which is kinda far away but I love my Uncle Casey so we went anyway. Unfortunately they lost and it was so noisy it scared the poop out of me. Seriously, I had the runs for days...don't feel bad, I'm all better now. I got lots of extra lovin' because of it!

Lights Camera Action

My mommy likes to play dress up with me on occasions....I try and tolerate her but I'd rather be getting dirty or something manly. Here are some of those occasions...

Look what the stork brought...

My first jeans

I'm getting so big!!!

My sister's birthday party

My sister, Desirae, turned 6 years old this year. She got to have a hayride and weenie roast for her party. I had to stay in the house but heard it was alot of fun. I plan on partying it up with her next year.

The first hayride...

Uncle Casey got D a pink b.b. gun

We also celebrated Ty's 5th birthday

Desirae writing her thank you's

My first shower...

Being new and all I didn't know what a shower was, I quickly learned it's a place where lots of people gather to hold you and you get lots and lots of presents. You also get to eat very delicious snacks and yummy cake. Here I was thinking this is the neatest thing but was told by my parents most showers involve water and soap...what a bummer. Thank you to everyone who helped put it together and for all the wonderful gifts. I got some very nice clothes, cool toys, and stuff that makes you smell good.

Grandma Dovie, Mommy, GiGi, and me

The Hostess' with the mostessess

Thank you for the
wonderful shower!!

Grandmother, Aunt Patty, and Aunt

Ms Kathy, Shelley, and "my girl" Sadie

The Goods!!