Monday, June 22, 2009

Fun in Fort Worth

This past week we went to Ft. Worth to visit my Aunt Jackie, Uncle Olen, Ethan, and Aerial. We had big plans...we tried to get our picture made at JCPenny but it didn't work out. Maybe next time. After lunch and a nap, mommy and Aunt Jackie with there batteries recharged took us for a train ride and let us play at the park. Shannon and Lyra met us there. I loved the train ride and mommy said I was being such a good boy.

Aerial, isn't she sweet...

We went down to the water by the train depot.


Anonymous said...

Luke's first train ride! Wow-looks like lots of fun, especially with cool cousins. (Kodi, I want to see you in some of these pictures,too)

Love, Aunt Patty

Anonymous said...

The picture with Luke in the circle was adorable; I know G. and P. love that picture; it captures Luke's disposition so well. (That was you? in the picture?)
Aunt Patty