Saturday, March 28, 2009

My two month doctor visit...

On Monday the 23 of March, I had to go to the doctor for my two month visit. This was not a great experience at all. First I had to strip down in the cold to be weighed and measured. Then I had to make a diaper...ewe. And for the grand finale I had to have not one, not two, but three shots!! Plus one that they gave me orally, you know it didn't even taste good. The least they could have done was make it taste good. I was sure to let them know I was not happy about this and if I could talk they wouldn't like what I had to say. My poor mommy had to rock me and sing to me for about 20 minutes before I was calm enough to head home.

None the less, I'm feeling much better now, it took a day or so to fully recover. Everyone is glad I'm back to myself.

As for how big I'm getting...I now weigh 11.9 lbs and am 23 and a half inches long. They keep feeding me and I keep growing. You know what they say about boys, they have big appetites and I'm no exception.

This is me at 9 weeks, just before my doctor's appointment. Before long I won't fit in the back! For other pictures of me in my truck scroll down to the John Deere post or come back in a few weeks to see yet another.


Anonymous said...

You look so much like your daddy and your getting big fast.


The Prestons said...

Look at you grow! You're just as cute as you can be! Before long you won't let anyone put you in that'll be pushing it around and making vroom vroom noises!! LOL!