Thursday, July 14, 2011

Luke turns 2...

Even though I wasn't at my best, I had a really awesome Texas Ranger's birthday party. We had lots of people show their Ranger spirit. We had a jersey cake, Ranger's balloons and lots of family and friends. I got some really good stuff and yummy cake to top it off. After my party I ended up getting pretty sick, I hope no one else did. Thanks for celebrating with me!

I'm 2 and this cool shirt is from Aunt Cassie and cousin Maddie

It's my party and I'll cry if I want too!

Aunt Peggy and Aerial

Some of my favorite people
Eating a cupcake trying to put me in a better mood, it didn't work.
I just didn't feel good.

This awesome Ranger cake was made by my Aunt Peggy,
she did a great job.

Alli, with her parents Tami Jo and Aaron

Desirae, Ethan, and Aerial


The Prestons said...

I hate that I had to miss it Lukey, but Katie and Rylie had a good time!! Happy Birthday!!