Saturday, August 1, 2009


I was told it was time to start earning my keep. Can you believe it?? Gigi put me to work folding towels, of all things. I guess she forgot I'm better at floors, as I wasn't much help with the towels.

I hear there are laws against child labor, I'm going to have to check on that.


Aunt Patty said...

I'm no detective, but it appears there is a recurring theme to this blog: GiGi and Pompy,Mom and Dad, Desirea,as well as U. Casey can't get enough of Luke.
Casey's response to my inquirey as to where he might live if he secures the Weatherford position was: "I will leave most of my stuff at home and go home on weekends so I can see Luke and everybody." Wasn't that sweet. He further agreed that he HAD to see Luke 'cause he loved him so much.

Great Aunt Kay said...


You are so cute! And you're growing up too fast. The last time I saw you it surprised me how much your eyes look like your Poppy's did when he was little. I just had to hug you really close when I saw that.

I really enjoyed the picutres on your blog. However, I am extremely jealous of the seafood ya'll got to eat!

Hope to see you Sunday for J.D.'s Going Away Party.

Love from your great aunt, Kay.