Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I've been around for 14 weeks now...

Mommy said it was way past time to post a new picture of me and my truck. I guess it has been awhile. I've enjoyed not having a camera in my face lately. I don't know if you know that mommy's school has been shut down until May 18th due to the Swine Flu. I hope the child that has it is okay but I'm glad I get to spend some extra time with my mommy. We are going to hang out, go for walks, and I bet get in some camera time. Check out my new layout...mommy spent a long time looking for a new one. She said it's hard to find one for a little boy. Hope you like it too.

Getting bigger every day!


The Prestons said...

There you go...comments work better now! He is getting so big and so darn cute...well he's always been cute! He's about to outgrow that truck, though!!