Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where's Luke??

Can you see me?? I'm trying out my camo overalls Aunt Stephy got me...cute huh?? My daddy said I looked like a little redneck with camo and no shirt on. I think I'm a stud, what do you think?

How you doin'?

I'm not having fun momma!

That's a wrap.

Splish Splash I was takin' a bath...

I love my baths, I get one all the time and mommy lets me chew on the rag but only if I don't tinkle in the water. It happens sometimes and we laugh!! I get to splash around and them I'm so fresh and so clean.

Get me some clothes already!!

You want me to eat what???

What is that??

I don't think so momma!!!

Well I guess I'll give it a shot but where's the ice cream??

Ok, it's pretty good, I'll help you momma.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just playin' around...

I'm about to take off!!

Cousin Chase trying to teach me how to go forward...

The spoils of Pompy...

Another taste of the goodlife, Pompy did it to me again. He let me sample his ice cream sandwhich and boy was it good!!

That's what I call a bottle...

Whoa Pompy, I don't know about that...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Just for laughs...

Lullaby and Goodnight...

Now alot of you are aware that I love music. Since the womb I've been a fan or so mommy says. I'll watch music videos and bob my head to the beat. On Mother's Day, my cousin Aaron gave us a show. He's really good, if you haven't seen him perform you ought to. He has the kind of voice that will put you to sleep. I mean that in the nicest way possible. Thanks for the tunes Big A!!

Sorry but it's sideways for the start of this...

What a show!

Happy Mother's Day...

I just want to tell my mommy that I love her bunches and bunches! I may not always show it like when I tinkle on her, scream at the top of my lungs, or even when I pull her hair...but I couldn't survive without her. These are the shoes daddy and I got for Mommy.

I also want to give a shout out to all the other special ladies in my life, I hope you had a wonderful Mother's day!!

To my GiGi, You're another one I couldn't make it without. I'm sorry I tinkled on you too.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm mobile...

Mommy and Daddy finally got me something I can get around in. I'm still working on making it move, it won't be long though...wait and see. I do however like knawing on the toys. Check me out...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I've been around for 14 weeks now...

Mommy said it was way past time to post a new picture of me and my truck. I guess it has been awhile. I've enjoyed not having a camera in my face lately. I don't know if you know that mommy's school has been shut down until May 18th due to the Swine Flu. I hope the child that has it is okay but I'm glad I get to spend some extra time with my mommy. We are going to hang out, go for walks, and I bet get in some camera time. Check out my new layout...mommy spent a long time looking for a new one. She said it's hard to find one for a little boy. Hope you like it too.

Getting bigger every day!

Hands, Fingers, Toes, and Thumbs

I've recently discovered that I have hands and feet. I think my hands are almost as yummy as strawberries and cool whip! My toes are fun to play with too, they help me make noises on my play mat.