Today mommy and I had to go to work at GiGi's office. Ms. Jackie had the day off so we filled in. I don't know what they were thinking I haven't been trained to do taxes, heck I can't even count yet! Luckily though my job was simply to coo, giggle, and smile at all the customers. The plan was to make them happy, to put them in a good mood, so when GiGi told them what they owed they wouldn't get mad. I must not have done a very good job cause all I earned was a Yankee dime. I can't take my girl Sadie out making that kind of money.

GiGi's office

Who's going to take me seriously if I'm not wearing any shoes?

Watch out Ms Debbie, don't let GiGi catch you taking five during tax season.
This tax stuff is hard work!!
Wow, when the cat's away, the mice WILL play - Debbie, you're caught red handed. Be sure and clock out for that five (ha)! Too funny. Isn't Luke/Lucas too cute. All of my clients loved him.
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